hoW do u define if u have Really let go of sumTing?..wheRe do u deFine the linE..i thot i have let go..but aT times, there will be a little voice that tells me that i have not..aLL alonG, i knew the KiTe pRefers the sKy, but yet i juz cant Let go of the striNg attached to it..bUt today (onCe again) i realise the KitE never appreciateS the Act of mE holding on tO it..aS it yearns onLy for the Sky....
aLrite..itS been some time sinCe i blogged..i goT Lazy again..aNiway i havE not sharE out thiS bloG till date ...sO neveR thoT of updatiNg it..
oF cos..iN btn aloT of thingS happeN..watChed afew moviEs watched
-- 300 wiTh mY coLLeaGues (daMn vioLent..but its nice..)
-- and tHe messengerS witH my muM & bRo (gOt sCaRed afew scenes...noT baD tOO)...
i juZ love watching Movies..canT help it..! =P
ohhh.......I WANA WATCH NORBIT..!!!!!! i have been saying it for sooo long... >.<
yEst met up with Bon..wE chiLLed @ HoLLand V staRbucKs...we wEre sHariNg ouR 'LifE stoRieS' as UsuaL..times fLies when u aRe enjoyinG the moment..hoPe tO meeT up with hEr agaiN..wE tooK somE piCs oN her phoNe..waitiNg for heR to send oVer.. =)
*wiF mY bRo.... =)