yEst went to watch Charlotte's web...iT waS nice..i was neaR to tears wheN at first Wilbur diD noT wiN tHe cOmpetitioN..aNd i cRied wHen cHarLotte diE..iTs SooO sAd..i caNt cOntroL thE tearS..!! didNt eXpeCt iT tO bE sO niCe..
nEwaY tiNk iM faLLing siCk..LosinG appetiDe..& i feeL sOo coLd...
bUt i caNt afford tO tAke MC..if nOt mY OT will bE wasTed..!! mUz cOntroL my wiLL poweR nOt tO faLL siCk...!!!
do i really have attitude prob?..i was set to go out & have a joyous xmas when i was said that i gave attitude yest & today..wat did i do?.the answer is i got kinda pissed off and really showed attitude...
den end up having apologies..m i in the wrong? i deserve the apologies?.i seriously duno.. >o<
neway the day ended well..oso had a gd laugh watching night at museum..haha..ohh..i bought this taiwan product, some miniature alcohol set (duno wat they are called in english terms)...sooo damn cute..haha.. =P
LasT nite..i gOt a suRprisE attack after worK...
- i was walking towards PS to look for cab to go home..
- on the phone, waiting for the traffic light to turn gReen man..
- feLt sTaRes suRRound mE..
- tUrN aRd & sAw gRp oF gUys arD me wiTh sPray cAns..
- tHeY saiD "bei bAo wei le" (suRRounded aLready).. *ok, i know im dEad
- "aRRggH" i screamed..sNow bubbLe sPraYed oVer mE..
- Santa sHld dRop mE a sPray caN to fiGht baCk..! [though iTs onE agaiNst duNo how mAny..]
NewaY after daT i juz joiN iN the Queue aCross the roaD & hOp on a cab hoMe...though i got sPrayed at, iT wAs fUn..mUaHaha...nOt aS bOring as i tHot wHen i kNew i Had tO wOrk tiLL 2amon xmas eVe...
i Juz simpLy LovE X'MaS.... =)
iT's X'MAS eve..bUt iM wOrKinG tiLL 2AM....!!!! nO cOuNtdOwn..nO fUn... *soBz*tHaNk God tMr i maNaGe tO geT LeaVe.. =P
hMM..its been long since i last blog..not that im lazy...but i keep having connection error whenever i try to post an entry..till i give up..but now suddenly feel like blogging again... =) *neway i have deleted and edited afew past entries..tHis few days its beeN raining..i Love the weather..cold, and comfy to slp..BUT i really got problem with umbrella..!! i sucks at handling umbrella..tHis morning juz got laughed at..y?..well..cos i duno how to close (nor open) the umbrella in (and out) of the cab..!!! u can go ahead and laugh or 'har' or keep ur mouth open...i admit its stupid..but i juz seldom carry umbrella..either i get wet or i will get someone to shelter once..duno after how many years since i ownself handled an umbrella..i actully brought one to work..those folding type..and guess colleague had to help me out and commented "u really duno how to use umbrella" .. -.- '''